A Travellerspoint blog

The End of the Road

But hopefully not for long...

View Around The World on manolo84's travel map.

This is it, Monday 2nd of June, the end of the road, the end of the trip, the end of all things... Well maybe not of all things but it feels a bit strange nevertheless to consider the idea of going back to France and dropping my bag in a place for the last time (or at least for a little while).

But in a way I am quite looking forward to see again family and friends, even if we have been more or less in contact throughout the year. And also looking forward to eat some good food and not to have to pack my bag every other day. To be honest I also need to rest a bit as since my return from the last trek I got quite sick in Kathmandu, probably due to the fact that I had pushed my body a lot recently. So instead of enjoying the last moments of my trip, I had to spend the last week in a no-energy state and with painkillers. Nothing serious fortunately (well I hope not!) but just the kind of thing that stops you to do anything. But at least I could make some progress on the blog!

I will also update the blog title as I did not make that round trip around the world in 365 days but rather in 370 days. And I did it in the opposite direction than the one Phileas Fogg took, so I actually also lost one day by doing so...

I also wanted to thank everybody, starting by my parents who supported me for this trip instead of telling me that I was crazy and that I should better spend my money in a mortgage and start thinking as an adult. Then all my friends back home and in England and of course all the wonderful people I have met during this year. It's hard to know how many of these friendships will survive the next months/years but I promise I will give it a try. Without all of you this whole trip would not have been the same for sure so thanks for that!

Right now I have very few ideas about how my immediate future will be, nor where I will end up but once thing is sure, once the travel bug bites you, I guess it is a recurrent disease so watch this blog space for new adventures and keep some space on your couch, you never know who could knock on your door! :)


Quote from Hans Christian Andersen

Quote from Hans Christian Andersen

Posted by manolo84 02:09 Archived in France Tagged english reviews

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That's what I call The Adventure dude! Thanks to you to have brought to us those reports and wonderful shots from all around the world. And welcome back in one piece =] see you in Paris.

by Johan

Content que ça t'ait plu! A bientôt sur Panam (si tu peux m'envoyer ton numéro je te tiens au courant quand je suis de passage). ++

by manolo84

Envoie-moi un mail et je t'enverrai mon numéro. Tu peux utiliser : pré[email protected]
À bientôt !

by Johan

Good vibes mon Ami, that bag will be packed sooner than you think and that mortgage will just have to wait....only bad thing is you have to return to France jeje ;)
See you on the road mi amigo franceso x

by kris muir

I guess you're right my friend, except for the "bad thing", you can't imagine how happy I was to find back some good bread and cheese! ;)
Any trip planned soon? Still in London? As you said, see you on the road!

by manolo84

Congratulations Manuel! You have completed an amazing trip! I am finally about to embark on my own adventure (from the West Coast of Canada through the US, Mexico, Central America, down to Argentina, and back up to Uruguay (and then hopefully fly to Venezuela and end in Cuba). Brazil will have to wait for another trip when I can afford it.
If my trip ends up even half as amazing as yours, I will be able to die a happy man! I will definitely be using your blogs as guides. They are extremely helpful. Thanks again man. And keep in touch! I don't know where I will be at the end of my trip. But wherever that will be, just know that there will be a couch available for you. Enjoy France for now! They are about to make it to the next round of the World Cup for sure! Take care buddy.

by Ravi

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